The Land of Delights

When it looked as if Christianity was taking hold in her native Campania in southern Italy, the Sibyl left her labyrinth of caves in Cumae below the temple of Apollo She had pronounced her oracles there for hundreds of years, but she was now taking to the hills, to make one of the last stands of paganism on the highestridge of the Apennines, still called the Monti Sibillini in her honour.
From The Beast to the Blonde by Marion Warner

This collection of repurposed cards, collaged with images from fantasy magazines and assorted old books records a healing inner journey into the world of the Sibyl in her labyrinth of caves in Cumae.

The imagery used in this collection of repurposed cards is from magazines like Juxtapoz which was founded by Robert Williams.

Postcards from the Land of Delights may be found featured in a Wild Inner Garden.